Thursday, July 31, 2008

Morning Traffic

Cory started work at the State Fair today. He'll be working today, tomorrow, and Sunday, then take most of next week off because of band camp, and then work again next Friday and Sunday. He's scheduled to work 8:30-3:30 every day, so Jeffrey can take him to the fair and then go to work and then swing over and pick him up after work. Except for today. Today he had a meeting in Baraboo and left the house at 6am - so I had to take Cory to work. Not my idea of fun. Yes, I've been to the fair, but I don't actually pay attention to where I'm going, so I took the wrong exit and headed the wrong direction. I figured that out pretty quickly so I got off the interstate and got back on again, going in the right direction this time. And then we hit the traffic. Honestly, I don't know how people deal with this on a regular basis. We were barely moving.

We did finally manage to get to our exit and head toward State Fair Park, got to our turn and realized that we couldn't turn there. They had it blocked off. So I had to go up a ways, turn around and come back so I could turn on that street and get Cory to the front gate. I was thinking he worked at 8 instead of 8:30, so I was worried he was going to be late - even after he got in the gate, he still had to walk to the building and get ready to work. So it was a good thing he didn't start until 8:30.

I finally managed to get him there, drop him off, and head back home. Coming home was pretty much a breeze, since now I knew where I was going, and all the traffic was heading the other way. All together an hour and 40 minutes out of my day and a headache to go with it.
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