Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It's All About Ties

I ran into this site today called tiepedia.  It's run by a college student named Matt who loves ties.  A lot.  I think it's really interesting how so many men seem to really hate ties, and many workplaces have moved away from requiring ties - and here you get young men like this college student and my own son Cory who really seem to like ties.

The difference between Matt and Cory is that Matt knows how to tie his ties.  Cory, on the other hand, always has to have help from his dad - who rarely wears a tie any more.  We're wondering what he's going to do next year when he's away at college.  Cory says he's going to find a girl to help him.  While I don't doubt he'll have no trouble finding a girl or two who will love to help him, it won't hurt him to bookmark tiepedia.  Matt explains how to tie a tie - complete with video, pictures, and detailed instructions - not just your basic Half Windsor Knot, but several others as well.

I think tiepedia looks like a great site for all things tie-related.  There's also a fun post full of ties Dad will love to get for Father's Day - tie cakes like the one in the picture.  See more - Not Your Ordinary Father's Day Ties.