Although it's easy to think that the biggest problem with the winter is the coldness it brings, the dampness can actually be one of the biggest problems. For one thing, damp areas typically attract insects, and that's a fact that's no different in the winter than it is in the summer. If you want to avoid all manner of pests breeding in the area around your home, then you'll probably want to make sure that you invest in some kind of exterior waterproofing. This system can help ensure that your house doesn't get any unnecessary leaks and that you and your family aren't exposed to anything that might cause you to get sick.

You'll also want to do something to make sure you're not letting go of any of that valuable heat you have. If you find yourself running an incredibly high energy bill, then it's likely that the issue lies with how your heating is being handled by your house. More specifically, your roofing might be to blame. If you can hire a contractor to take care of your roofing needs, then you should be able to help keep your heat contained so that it won't become a bigger issue when the winter really picks up in ferocity. Similarly, if you have a fireplace, you should consider investing in some kind of maintenance service for that as well, as you can never be too careful.
Getting Your Furnace Checked
Consider hiring a professional to check your furnace at the beginning of the cold weather season to ensure that it is working at full capacity. Sometimes just a small thing can make a huge difference in the efficiency of your furnace, and in your power bill. If you can't hire a professional, at least be sure to change the filter regularly.
While protecting your home may require an investment of both time and money, it will ultimately be worth it in the long run. No one wants to see their home fail to provide proper shelter for their family, and these steps will hopefully ensure that you keep the cold outside where it belongs and the heat inside with you and your family.