Friday, August 31, 2007
Cedar Ridge Farm
One of Darryl's major projects on his farm in Kentucky, is building a house for his family. He is detailing the entire process on his blog - Cedar Ridge Farm. Mom told me about this blog a while back, but all the detail of tools and how to cut a dovetail tenon (whatever that means) and other stuff like that, just wasn't something I was extremely interested in. I mean, he uses words I don't understand. Now, when some of his kids slip into the pictures, then I'm interested. Also, I will enjoy seeing the pictures as the house actually goes up. He has set the raising day for September 2, so those pictures should be coming soon.
I'm thinking Fred will enjoy reading this, because he will understand exactly what is going on, so I wanted to make sure you knew about it. I also wanted to keep track of it myself, since I keep forgetting to go back and see how things are coming along.
Are We Ready for Ecommerce?
One of the big things the Band Boosters do, besides help with uniforms and field trips, is to run fund raisers during the year. One of our moms mentioned the possibility of selling some of our t-shirts and other band products online - through our blog. So I started looking for some kind of shopping cart software, otherwise I have no idea how we could do that. AShop Commerce would be one possibility. It looks like it is supposed to be really easy for anyone to set up. You can put together an online store, provide customers with an online shopping cart, and accept credit card and PayPal payments all in one place. They have different package levels, based on the number of products you want to sell, your bandwidth needs, and web space needed.
For a business, I think their prices are quite reasonable - though I haven't actually looked into anything like this before. However, I don't think our Band Booster Association will sell enough items to justify doing this. I guess we'll have to stick with good old-fashioned selling face-to-face. We're just not ready for ecommerce software.

Friday's Feast #158
Who is the easiest person for you to talk to? Jeffrey - he's been my best friend for so many years!
If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose? I honestly have no clue. I know I studied some ancient cities in school, but I can't remember any of them capturing my imagination and making me wish I was there.
What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed? Once I was on the street when the Olympic Torch went by - carried by a runner, of course. That was pretty exciting. I like the Olympics.
- And I'm adding, because I didn't think it through until I started reading other people's feasts: Of course, the births of both my children were way more exciting than that. It is such an amazing thing to give birth to a brand-new person.
Main Course
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt? I would like to do something different than your average everyday celebrity - like actually help some everyday people. There has to be publicity value in that. I certainly wouldn't go out partying with no underwear!
What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child? I had my first child at 25, and that worked for me. I think it all depends on the person, but I don't think I would have been ready before that, and waiting any longer, you're already old by the time the kids leave home.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Inside Every Woman
Get your free "Inside Every Woman" bookmark by emailing your request to The first chapter of the book - "5 Promises: Make These Promises to Unleash the 10 Forces Within You." - is also available for free on the website.

How Smart are You?
At some point in time, I realized that someone can win a million dollars on this show - if only they can answer these questions - things they should have learned in elementary school. On the other hand, we have the show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? On that show, someone can also win a million dollars. The difference is, those question are hard. Well, the big money questions, anyway. That doesn't seem fair somehow. Cory said it would be better to be on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? because you wouldn't feel so bad if you missed a hard question than if you missed one that even a 5th grader could answer. I think he's probably right, because I feel kind of dumb when I can't answer some of these 5th grade questions.
American RVs in the UK
What I didn't know, until tonight, is that American motorhomes are sold in the UK - since the late 1970s. Travelworld RV sells both new and used RV's. People interested in buying one can either visit their showroom, browse through the RV's listed on the website, complete with pictures, specs and floorplans, or sign up to get regular stocklists via email. If you're really in the market to buy a motorhome and travel in the UK, that would be a really good way to keep up with what is available. Also, it's really nice to be able to see a lot of detail on each available RV. These things look so comfortable!
What I don't like about the site, and a lot of sites are this way, is that you have to scroll down on every single page to get to the actual information on that page. It would be nice if that top section with the links and pictures could somehow be combined so that it was half the height. Less scrolling. Easier to access information. It's good that every page is consistent, just maybe it could be smaller. Also, on the front page, I wasn't sure what they were telling me because there's a missing word:
by selecting the (missing word) you will open full listings of all in stock RV's.What am I supposed to select? I did manage to find the listings - under RV Sales - and I enjoyed browsing, even though I don't plan to buy an RV any time in the near future.
They Loved My Review
Recently I wrote this post for a site called regonline. Along with paying for bloggers to talk about the site, this advertiser also promised to list some of their favorite posts in their blog. Imagine my surprise today when I found out they had linked to mine! You can read the blog post here.
How cool is that?

Orquesta Veneno

Our high school band director not only teaches class and directs our band, she's also in a band. (She's the blond trumpet player - the only girl in the band) We went to see them a couple of years ago at Summerfest - didn't understand a word because all the words were in Spanish - but really enjoyed the show anyway. They're playing at Fiesta Boricua this weekend. We live near Milwaukee. There's an ethnic festival of some kind every weekend.
Here's the press release she forwarded:
The Gentleman of Salsa" Will Headline Fiesta Boricua 2007
at Milwaukee's Summerfest Grounds
MILWAUKEE - The sixth annual Fiesta Boricua will round out the list of ethnic festivals held on the Summerfest grounds when the celebration of Latino culture kicks off its day-long fiesta at the Henry W. Maier Festival Park on Sunday, September 2, 2007. Fiesta Boricua is a cultural celebration of Latino music and food from Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
Gilberto Santa Rosa, known throughout Latin America as "The Gentleman of Salsa," will headline the Latino festival on the Harley Davidson main stage. Santa Rosa, an international superstar, will be making his first appearance in Milwaukee.
Sponsored by the Latino Community Center in Milwaukee, Fiesta Boricua grew from a small street festival into a major musical and cultural celebration that attracts thousands locally and nationwide. In 2006, nearly 7,000 loyal supporters attended Fiesta Boricua in the rain.
The day-long musical lineup also includes special performances by local favorites: Frankie Sabath, Alberto Rivera and his Old School Salsa Band, Sergio Poventud y su Orquesta Veneno, Cache, Rey Rios One Man Band, Trio Puerto Rico, Clave Y Afinque, Orquesta Nabori and Milwaukee Public Theater. A special production of Christian music (English and Spanish) will be held from noon until 4 p.m. featuring Jose "Papo" Rivera directly from Puerto Rico.
Santa Rosa has recorded numerous albums in his 30-year music career. He sang lead vocals with several orchestras, including El Gran Combo - an act that spurred excitement in Latino community at this year's Summerfest. He began his solo career in 1986 and was the first singer of tropical salsa to carry out a concert at the Carnegie Hall Theater in New York City.
The Latino Community Center serves young people and residents from throughout the city of Milwaukee through programs in education, recreation,technology and environmental awareness; attracting well over 3,000 youth each year. Proceeds from Fiesta Boricua help support the center's youth programs.
Advance tickets are $13.00 or $15.00 at the door. Children under 10 years old are admitted free when accompanied by a paying adult. Tickets are available at all four El Rey Grocery stores, Pueblo Supermarket, Pyramax Bank, E&J Records and the Latino Community Center.

Ring Sizing
I also lost a thumb ring once. I bought it at the fair, when my hands were hot and kind of swollen. I didn't think about that, just bought the ring to fit. Afterwards it was always kind of loose, but I was usually aware of it in some part of my mind so it didn't slip off. Until one day I was helping Jeffrey out in the yard. Somewhere along the line, somewhere in the yard probably, it slipped off, never to be seen again.
Recently I found out that I could get paid to blog. Imagine that - I get to look at websites and products, post my opinion, and I actually get paid for blogging! I figure I'm already all over the Internet looking for good stuff anyway, so why not get paid for it?
This week I submitted this blog to Smorty and just got approved. Smorty is a service that brings advertisers and bloggers together. Advertisers want bloggers to write about their services and link to their sites. Smorty emails qualified bloggers (yeah, that would be me!) letting them know about the ad campaign. (I really like the idea of having them email me when something is available that I qualify for.) The bloggers write and submit their opinion posts, and get paid for blogging - every week. Sounds easy, right? It is - go check it out.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
New Ring for Beth
So, this past weekend we were at the mall. She was with us this time, so we had her look. No. She didn't like it. We then walked past a jewelry store, where she had seen one she thought she liked last winter. She looked at that one. She kind of liked it, but then she saw another one that hadn't been there before. This one she liked. She finally made up her mind. So, that's the one she got. Jeffrey had to go back after work tonight to pick it up since it had to be sized. She ended up needing a 4-3/4. Did you know that was even a size? I didn't realize her fingers were so small. I wear a 6.
It's a really pretty ring. I went to the jewelry store website to try to find a picture, but they didn't have it on there. Otherwise I'd show you.
Instructional Sports Videos
Truthfully, I think I could learn a thing or two from these videos. Not only does the coach explain things and have the kids demonstrate - in this case I watched the basketball video on 'shooting basics' - but there is also a still picture slide that goes along with it. The slide shows exactly what the coach was talking about, and puts his words in writing. For people like me who need to see it in writing, that is perfect. I wish I had had someone break sports down and teach me the basics when I was a kid.
Now, even if the coach doesn't exactly know what she is doing, there is help.

Tagged - About Me
No, that's not all there is to me. I'm a real person, too, and I do know who I am and what I like. But ask me to sit down and actually define it and spell it out? That's when I have problems. That's probably why it's good for me to do these things. It makes me sit down and spell it out.
Ok - let's try this again:
Some Facts About Me:
Three names you go by?
- Anna
- Mom
- Honey
- My eyes
- The way my butt looks in jeans
- I'm flexible
- My hair
- I still get zits
- Certain parts are too big and need firmed up.
- I
- Don't
- Know (yeah, I should've paid attention when my parents talked about this)
- People who smoke in public places
- Being lied to
- Hearing so many people say, "I could of went." all. the. time.
- That something will happen to my husband
- That something will happen to my kids
- Looking stupid
- 24
- Good Morning America
- I've never even looked at it.
- My son likes some
- What is it, again?
- Find Your Own Way Home - REO
- Don't Blink - Kenny Chesney
- Nothing Better to Do - LeAnn Rimes
- Dirty Dancing (though I haven't in a while)
- Men in Black
- you know, I have a hard time watching the movies we have even once.
- Freedom Writers
- Deja vu
- Wild Hogs (I'm waiting on all these from the library, so I'll see them eventually)
- Coffee
- My glasses (can't see with out them)
- Walking (I end up with a headache if I don't do it)
- Glasses
- Shorts
- t-shirt (my walking clothes)
- Trust
- Fun
- Love
- Eyes
- Hands
- Butt
- Expecting too much from people
- Never learning, and always being disappointed when people don't meet my expectations.
- Putting things off until I have time to do them right.
- I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
- Web designer
- Blogger - (it can be a career, right?)
- Anything I can do on my computer
- Reading
- Baking
- Hawaii
- Australia
- Alaska
- Beth
- Cory
- Elaine
- Jump out of a plane
- Take a hot air balloon ride
- See my grandkids grow up (eventually when I get some)
- I like guys
- I love baking
- I gave birth
- S
- G
- M (these, of course, are from a long time ago. My current crush is that guy I live with)
See what you get for commenting? If anybody else wants to play, let me know.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Heads or Tails - Hobby Rhymes
TAILS - Anything that rhymes with Hobby.
I call TAILS:
- Bobby (as in sox)
- Cobby (as in corn)
- Dobby (the house elf, of course)
- Globby (when something globs)
- Jobby (anything you do which relates to your job)
- Lobby (please wait in the lobby)
- Mobby (the way a mob acts)
- Knobby (not my knees - yours perhaps?)
- Robbie (what was that guy's name? Robbie something from the teen magazines when I was young)
- Sobby (yeah, crying too much)
- Wobbie (what you would call #9 if you couldn't say your R's)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Fake Rocks?

Saturday, August 25, 2007
And if I Don't Want to Leave Yet?
Peggy and I started playing with and experimenting with how we can use it on the web pages - specifically on feastgoer. We'd like to give people a little more control over their pages, without giving them access to the server. It's a little late for this year, but maybe next year. For now, we tried it on the Baraboo page so that Peggy can post announcements or whatever, and added a comment box for people to suggest study topics. We were excited about the possibilities and what we can do with texty.
After a while, Beth was getting all upset because I wasn't getting ready to leave. She never specifically told me that she wanted to leave or why. She just started getting mad at me for not somehow knowing. Regardless - even if I did know - why should I drop everything? She seems to be going out somewhere and 'hanging out' with her friends every single day of the week. Once a week, I go somewhere, and I want to spend some time with my friends and do something I want to do. Why should I have to leave before I'm ready just so she can go and do something that she does every other day of the week? Because, after all, she just wanted to make all of us come home so that she could leave immediately and go hang out with Tim. It's not my fault that she didn't see him yesterday - she's the one who spent the night with Kayla. It's also not my fault that I didn't know she thought we were going to leave early so she could do that. She never said anything. Part of that could have been because she stayed at Kayla's last night and didn't come home until after 11 this morning. It's not like we saw her or talked to her or that she let us know what she thought she was planning to do.
Yeah, no matter how often we go over it - for some reason she has this idea in her head that she gets to do whatever she wants to do, she doesn't need permission, and she wishes she didn't even have to tell us. Unfortunately, for some of her friends, that's the way it works. Their parents let them run wild and do whatever they want to do. She sees that and thinks that's how it's supposed to work. I just say, "It's too bad their parents don't care about them more."
Friday, August 24, 2007
Not a Single Book
Tagged Again
tagging: Tammy at Mom Knows Everything. I can't wait to read 8 random thing about her!
When Planning an Event

Friday's Feast #2 for me
Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version?
Ashley Judd - I like her voice, and my husband thinks she's cute. Not that that would have anything to do with it.
Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)
Pretend every child attracts new shoes.Salad
If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose?
I would like to spend a week in a decade when my grandparents were about my age and spend time with them. It would be amazing to learn to know them as people instead of grandparents.Main Course
Name a song that brings back memories for you.
Sunglasses at Night - Corey Hart Riding home from the beach after the sun went down.Dessert
Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water?
warm water, but not too hotJoin the fun at
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Memory Walk Needs You!
Typically, a Memory walk is 2-3 miles on a weekend morning in the fall. Volunteers of all ages are needed to participate. Most specifically, they need people to sign up as Team Captains now, so that they have plenty of time to recruit and organize their teams and raise funds. Won't you consider signing up as a Team Captain? Starting a team is easy. Invite three people, and they'll invite three people - and before you know it, you'll have a team. Recruit family, friends and colleagues to join your team - and ask for donations. The tools to help you are available on the website.
ETA: I'm not walking, but I will donate the money they are paying me for this post. So, be the first person to comment here and send me a link so I can donate to your Alzheimer's Walk.
This Little Face is Staring at Me
We Never See Her
Anyway, she's gone again. Off to see Tim. She thinks she has to spend every possible moment with him, since school will start soon and work will get in the way and all this other stuff... Today she was gone most of the day because she agreed to take her friend Azaria to the doctor. So, she was doing something to help someone else out, and that's a good thing.
I was home trying to get all the receipts and bills and financial stuff caught up. Don't worry, the bills have all been paid - it's the part where I enter everything into Quicken that I have fallen horribly behind on. Yeah, I'm positive I didn't run around nearly as much when I was a teenager. I still don't like running around all that much. Just let me stay home. I can find plenty to do around here.

Life as it Should Be
Coke Zero - they say it's real taste, zero sugar. The movies on this website? Real fun, zero sugar!
Lost Car Keys
Sometimes I wonder if all this drama is real or just stuff Beth makes up so she can do things she thinks we wouldn't want her doing. We've tried to be understanding about this boy who seems to be around all. the. time - like every day. It's not like she has to make this stuff up to see him, but it always seems like there's some kind of drama, some reason she just has to do this or do that.
Whatever. Hopefully Tim can get the key situation fixed.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Web Page Updates
I was going to say that I haven't signed up or tried it yet, but then, of course, I had to sign up. I sign up for everything. It looks like I can update things on the texty page - first I create the text. Then texty gives me the code to place on the web page. Once I put that code wherever I want it, I can update right at, and the text will update wherever I placed the code. It would be ideal for announcements.
Oh, I have ideas running through my head for using this.
The Middle Name Meme
I was tagged by Tammy from Mom Knows Everything for the middle name meme. I don't necessarily love doing these things, but I love reading them when other people do - because I feel like I learn so much about them. I guess I'm just going to have to do more myself.
The Rules:
- You have to post the rules before you give the facts.
- You must list one fact that is relevant to your life for each letter in your middle name. If you don't have a middle name than use a name that you like.
- When you are tagged you must write a post containing your own middle name game facts.
- At the end of your post you must tag one person for each letter in your middle name.. Don't forget to comment them telling that they are tagged and to read your post to get the rules.
- L - Loves to read! I'm lost without a book.
- O - Overly ticklish (thanks to Cory for that one - not the fact that I'm ticklish, but the idea)
- U - Uses coupons on a regular basis
- I - Is really a perfectionist.
- S - Suntanning!
- E - Exercises every day by walking 2 miles.
- Bridget at ..."And Miles To Go Before We Sleep..."
- Misty Dawn at My Dogs Keep Me Sane
- Suzy at ~Suzy's bloomers~
- Frigga at Any Apples
- Vic Grace at Cariboo Ponderer
- Suzanne at Miss Kitty Fantastico
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
2011 Mindset List
The List outlines the events, social forces, and technology that shape the world views of these young adults, most of whom were born in 1989. The 70-item list highlights differences between these newfound adults and those who are older and more experienced. Some are funny, some serious, and some poignant.Here's the list.
You know, Beth was born in 1990 - so this list is probably pretty close to her world view, too. Do you think it'll help me understand her better?
The Lights in my Bathroom
When we picked the bathroom lights - all the lights for the house, for that matter - we had to go to a big showroom and pick them all out. I really had no idea what I wanted, so it took a while. Yes, I know, some people have their whole dream house all planned out and know exactly what they want. That's not me. I should have taken some time looking at some light fixtures online and maybe gotten some ideas ahead of time. Maybe I could even have found a site like Lighting Showplace where I could pick my lights, with some help from the Bathroom Lighting Buying Guide, order them, at a great price, and get them delivered without even having to go anywhere. That would have been much less stressful for me.

The Saga of the Yard that Needed to be Mowed
Suddenly Beth is all pitiful. She's never going to get the yard done. They're just not going to go shopping. Cory wants to go shopping, so he agrees to help mow - even though he did it last time, and Beth is supposed to do the whole thing this time. It's just really sad how the girl is almost 17 years old, and she just can't mow a yard - never mind the whole complaining thing about how she shouldn't have to mow a yard anyway, especially not with a push mower. She should be in better shape than that! Of course, she says it has nothing to do with not being in shape. I don't know what it has to do with - besides just plain not wanting to do it. Lucky for her she has a brother who will jump in and help her out - sometimes even when there's nothing in it for him. It amazes me the things he will do for her, whether she deserves it or not. I'd love to see her do the same for him. I guess driving him up to go shopping qualifies in some kind of way.
So, they got the yard mowed, both took showers, and left to meet their dad. I can't go because I've got a library board meeting tonight. I don't need anything, anyway.

Heads or Tails - Luck

August 21: TAILS!!! List a couple ways LUCK has played a part in your life.
- Unfortunately, I haven't won the lottery yet - but that's probably good luck, since winning always seems to cause problems for the winners. I'm going to believe that. Don't disillusion me!
- Reading the local advertising paper this morning, I realize that we are very lucky to be in the school district we are in. I think it's good for the kids to be in a smaller school where they don't get lost in the shuffle. Also, even though I have complained about school fees, we really have it good. I was reading the fees for the next town over - the school Beth thinks she wants to go to, but that's another story. Everything is 1-1/2 to 2 times higher there! Especially drivers' ed. Our kids get it for free. Over there, it's about $300.
- I think I was very lucky when I had my kids. I hear some people are in labor for hours.
- I know I was lucky to find my husband. Or did he find me? Oh well, he's my best friend, and I love him!
- Also, what wonderful luck to have such a wonderful mother-in-law, and that great guy she married, too.
Want to join the fun? Head on over to Skittles' Place and play Heads or Tails every Tuesday.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Why Can't She Just Listen?
Jeffrey got home later and wasn't sure what Beth had wanted. He missed her call. It went to voice mail, and he couldn't understand what she said. He called her back and still didn't understand what she was saying. Once I told him what she wanted, he called her back - only to find out that she had called AAA already and someone was on the way. Yeah, she listens well. Hopefully AAA doesn't get upset with her and suspend her or whatever they might do. He car insurance is expensive enough - with the AAA discount and the good student discount, which she better earn and keep.

Secure File Transfer
Win Recess from Campbell's
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Creation Explained
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and populated the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.
Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Krispy Creme Donuts. And Satan said, "You want chocolate with that?"
And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as long as you're at it, add some sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds. And Satan smiled.
And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair. And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane and combined them. And Woman went from size 6 to size 14.
So God said, "Try my fresh green salad." And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast.
God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them." And Satan brought forth deep fried fish and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man gained more weight and his cholesterol went through the roof.
God then created a light, fluffy white cake, named it "Angel Food Cake," and said, "It is good." Satan then created chocolate cake and named it "Devil's Food."
God then brought forth running shoes so that His children might lose those extra pounds. And Satan gave cable TV with a remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman laughed and cried before the flickering blue light and gained pounds.
Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition. And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them. And Man gained pounds.
God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created McDonald's and its 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then said, "You want fries with that?" And Man replied, "Yes! And super size them!" And Satan said, "It is good." And Man went into cardiac arrest.
God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.
Then Satan created HMOs.
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Weight Loss with the Lap-Band
I'm thankful that I don't have to make that kind of decision for my own kids. Though they may not be as active as they could be, neither one of them has a weight problem. If they did, would I consider surgery? I don't know. Any kind of surgery seems drastic, but, if it's a health issue and needs done, I like the fact that the LAP-BAND® procedure is an adjustable and reversible weight loss surgery. That makes it seem a better choice than some of the others out there.

The yard needed mowed again today. Cory did it. Beth was busy running around with her friend Azaria and then her boyfriend Tim, but she did tell Cory that next time, she will do the whole yard. I just thought I better document that - in case she conveniently forgets when the time comes.
Friday's Feast #156
Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?
Monday! Every Monday I collect everyone's laundry and wash clothes all day. Of course, since I got the new washer and dryer a couple of years ago, it doesn't take nearly as long as it used to. That washer has some serious capacity. Then I wash towels on Tuesday - a carry-over from the days when it took so long to do laundry (due to the dryer taking forever) that I just could not get to the towels on Monday.Soup
In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?
I refuse to consider myself old. Ever. As long as I stay active, I think I can get away with that.Salad
What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?
Mostly my goals are short-term. Each day I try to decide what I want to accomplish for the day. For instance, today my goals are to get food fixed for tonight and for the weekend. Long-term goals are probably a good idea, but mostly I'm pretty content with the way things are. I suppose that getting the house completely de-cluttered would be a worthy goal. Oh, and to get all the bills and receipts caught up in Quicken. I must do that.
Main Course
Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.
Beth just gave the kitten a bath. It is unbelievable to see how a fuzzy little kitty can look so small and bedraggled when wet. The poor little thing just shook and shook. But now she's all better - fuzzy and happy.Dessert
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?
9 - I'm usually pretty happy, and today the sun is shining, the windows are open, and a nice cool breeze is coming through the house. Time to go cook, though. Cooking makes me happy, too.
Friday's Feast home - if you'd like to give it a try, too.
That'll Keep Her Busy
It does sound like she should be a little busier on Tuesday nights because it's their 2 for 1 night, where, if you buy 1 pizza you get 1 free. So they get more orders coming in. I think I might have to get pizza on Tuesday night sometime. They have some that sound really good.
School starts soon - the day after Labor Day - and I'm hoping she can handle working and school. Of course, her priority is work, because she gets paid for that. School has never been a high priority with her, even now that her grades directly affect the cost of her car insurance. Since she doesn't have a B average yet, she has to pay for her own insurance. You'd think she'd hate to have to do that - less money to spend on clothes and such - but she seems to think that is easier to do than actually do the school work and get the grades.
At least she has some extra time at work, so there won't be any excuses for not getting homework done.

Thursday, August 16, 2007
New Jewelry
I tried to look at the belly rings at one booth, but there was a smoker already there looking, so I had to walk away. I just wish those smokers would stay home! Or at least go over somewhere out of the way to smoke. Anyway, I didn't get a chance to see if they had anything I would want, but, luckily, I can always shop for body jewelry online, and the prices are better anyway.
I won't be shopping for nose jewelry, because I can't imagine wearing something in my nose. I just think it would bother me, but I really want to find a nice reverse / top down belly ring - or 2, or 3 - because if I can find $25 worth to order, the shipping is FREE.
I found this site one other time and forgot to bookmark. Not this time. - I'm off to browse.
19 for School
I'm just collecting things on my regular walking route, so I know there are so many more labels and such in the rest of the village. Imagine what we could do if our entire community saved everything. Why should it just be the families with kids in the school? It shouldn't. Really, it shouldn't, but I just don't know how to get people to care and participate. I think I got one lady, though. I was walking by her house as she was leaving for work yesterday, and I stopped to pull 3 box tops out of her recycle bin. This morning she was waiting for me with 2 more! She says her school doesn't collect them so she's going to start saving them for me. Maybe she just never thought of it before. Maybe most people just never thought of it before - the fact that they can help their local school in a big way, and it won't cost them anything. After all, they are already buying the products. All they have to do is remove the box top or label or milk cap and save it instead of throwing it away.
Perhaps if the school handed out a collection bag to every house in the community? Something. I mean, the kids are always expected to go out and raise funds by selling things that no one really needs anyway. People buy the stuff because 'it's for a good cause' and they want to support the kids. Why not go around, this time not selling anything, but just letting people know they can raise funds for the school without having to buy anything extra? Write down the names of the neighbors who agree to save things and set a date to collect them. It could really add up.
In our area, these are the items to save:
- BoxTops4Education
- Campbell's Label's for Education - take note that they want UPCs now instead of the labels.
- Kids, Caps & Cash (Golden Guernsey and Morning Glory)
- Nickels for Schools (Kemps)
- Nestlé Pure Life Go Play!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Google Image Meme
- Go to Google
- Click on Google Images
- Type in your name and search
- Post (with a link) of the oddest, craziest coolest, oldest, etc. person that shares your name. Post multiples if you find a few that you like.
- Pass it on to at least 5 other people.
Two of them - oldest - A giant of a woman - Anna Haining Bates (1846-1888) and kind of odd - Anna Clynne - composer.
(I skipped truly odd and didn't include Anna Nicole Smith)
Ok - now to tag 5 people:
Have fun! I look forward to seeing what you find.
I Should've Thought of This Before
I forgot that FeedBurner offers the ability for people to subscribe to a feed via email, just by entering an email address. For people who spend most of their time on the computer playing Spider Solitaire, that is ideal! There's nothing complicated about it. So, yesterday I activated the email subscriptions option, added the form to my sidebar, and, to make things even easier, I went ahead and entered the grandparents' email and subscribed them. They don't have to do anything but sit back and read the email as it comes in!
The reason I decided to do this is that, these particular grandparents live far, far away, and they don't get to see their grandkids very often. Now, as a good daughter, I should be sending email and keeping them updated on what their grandkids are doing and how things are going here. But, I don't. What I actually do is post to this blog - so, if they start getting email every day when I post, it's just like I sat down and wrote them an email. At least, that's what I'm going to believe.
Now, should I sign the other grandparents up?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Kids and Money
Teenage years are the time to teach kids how to manage money with plastic, because if you don’t, guess who will? The company handing out free T-shirts on college campuses if you sign up for a credit card…I believe that's true, though I never thought to put it exactly that way. That's why we have decided to give our kids a certain amount of money each month in order for them to take care of their own expenses. Neither one of them is exactly happy about it. They'd much rather we gave them that same money so they can buy whatever they want and go out with their friends and whatever other frivolous things teenagers like to spend money on. Then, they'd like for Mom & Dad to buy the needs - clothes, toiletries, stuff they can't live without. It's amazing how priorities change when they have to pay for their own stuff and realize what that stuff costs! Before, it just magically appeared when they needed it!
There will always be parenting debate about all kinds of parenting issues. I don't think any one way is right, and we, as parents can learn from one another. That's why I'm excited to find out about Earn Smart - Spend Smart, a blog to help parents with the difficult topic of kids, teens and money. I want my kids to learn to handle money wisely, and I want them to learn now, while we can guide them and keep track of how they are doing - not later when they're out on their own in the midst of all those enticing credit card offers.

She Pumped Her Own Gas!
Today she was out and needed gas. She didn't have her brother with her, so she had to do it. We really need to get the gas gauge fixed on that car. It's broken, so you never know how much gas is in the tank. It always says empty. The only way to be safe is to keep track of how many miles have been driven since the last fill-up. When it gets close to 350 miles, it's time to fill up. And, like Beth was saying today, she can't just put $10 or $20 in. She has to fill it up, otherwise she won't know when she's about to run out of gas. Yes, we have AAA, but we really don't want her running out of gas. We'll have to get it fixed soon.

Geeky Speaky
Anyway, I just got notified today that my site is listed over there at Geeky Speaky - Blog & Web Directory. Not only can people find my site, which is cool, but I'm really liking this whole list of mom-related blogs. I bet there's some good reading there.
Want your site listed, too? Just click here: Geeky Speaky: Submit Your Site! You can either get a free listing by linking back to Geeky Speaky, or you can upgrade for only $10. With the upgrade, you get a screenshot of your site displayed in the directory as well as premium link placement.

Free Software
One of the most helpful things about the site is that people who have already downloaded and installed the program can leave their comments and rate it. Often someone will leave a link to another similar program - usually also free - that they feel does a better job than the one currently being offered by Giveaway of the Day. So sometimes, instead of downloading and installing a program that I might need someday, I bookmark the other ones so I can find them if I ever need them. There is also a guy who posts his 15 minute review of each program for a more in-depth coverage of how the program works, if it works, etc. Very helpful.
I have added a ticker from Giveaway of the Day to my sidebar. Each day it shows the software that is available for FREE, and how long you have left to download and install it. If you see something that sounds interesting, just click and check it out.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Online Shopping Coupons
Please Call the Police
Jeffrey and went to visit some friends and go to dinner. Cory stayed home because he had a date with an older woman - his friend Caro was in town, and they wanted to go get ice cream. Jeffrey and I ended up watching 300 with our friends and headed home later than we had intended. So, about 11:30 I called Cory to let him know we were headed home. Beth wasn't home yet, so I told him to have her call when she got there, so we'd know she was home. A few minutes before midnight, we got a call from home. I was expecting to hear Beth's voice, but instead it was Cory telling me that one of Beth's parents was supposed to call the police department. What? Not what I want to hear. I'm all worried something has happened, so, in the time it takes me to get the police officer on the phone, all kinds of horrible things are going through my head. Is she ok? What has she done?
Come to find out, they had stopped in the park, which closes at 11pm, so Tim could have a cigarette before bringing Beth home. So, since this car is parked where it shouldn't be, the police officer pulls up behind them to see what they are doing. Since Beth is a minor, he had to call us and let us know he had talked to her. Beth called soon after and we told her that we were almost home and would talk to her and Tim when we got home. What does it take to get through to them that, just because they don't have to be home before midnight, doesn't mean that they should try to pull into the driveway at exactly midnight. So you had some extra time. That's good. Being early is good. It shows that you are being responsible. Jeffrey also made sure that Tim understands that, even though he's not allowed to smoke in the house, if he really needs to have a cigarette, he can go outside. No, we don't agree with his smoking, but that's his problem. Just don't put yourself and our daughter into a bad position.
You know most of the problems they get themselves into is just that they don't think things through and realize what the consequences might be for their actions.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Kitten Stuff
We were thinking that we should get the kitty de-clawed, because we had our first cat de-clawed - way back before we even had any kids. When I started looking to see when was the best time to de-claw your kitten, I found all these pages saying how cruel it is and how no one should do it. So now I'm wondering if we should try something different. We didn't have the Internet and all the resources available with the first cat and I honestly didn't think of it as an issue. No one said anything about it being cruel. While researching the whole de-clawing thing, I found these interesting nail covers for the cats claws. They might be worth a try. Beth, of course, wants to get them in orange and blue. Wouldn't that look cute on a little white kitty?
So far little Tillie has been a good kitten. She loves loves loves to play and will sometimes just purr and purr when someone plays with her. Beth is a little irritated with her at times because she was wanting a little snuggle kitten and this one wants to play. When she gets tired and wants to sleep, she curls up under the couch where no one can reach her - at least not very easily - so she's not all that snuggly. I did have her curl up with me once last week and go to sleep. Of course that meant that, even though I was getting ready to go do something else, I had to sit there with her while she slept.
I had to feed the cat a couple times last week because she decided she was hungry after the kids had already left for work. Beth says she did feed her and she just ate all the food. I don't really know about that, but, once this work at the Fair is finished I will expect Beth to take care of her kitten just like she promised. We've kind of enjoyed having the little thing around so it'd be a shame if we had to get rid of her because Beth doesn't live up to her promises. I bet Cory would step in and have her be his kitty. If need be.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Parent Hacks
We parents rely on each other for quick, practical advice. Books and magazines are fine, but the real-world perspective of one’s friend, sister, neighbor, or the friend of one’s sister’s neighbor, is often the most helpful.So, if you're looking for a tip or two, or if you have something to share, head on over there.
Parent Hacks is a collaborative website that collects and publishes parents’ tips, recommendations, workarounds, and bits of wisdom – their hacks – in a single pot so we can all partake. Here’s the stuff that would have been left out of the instruction manual...if there were one.
Need a Surfboard?
The Surfboard Warehouse, that's where. They specialize in custom surfboards (they ship completely shaped boards to customers within four to six weeks and promise delivery anywhere, even getting boards to customers while they are traveling) and have the best surf gear from the best surf companies. They have the largest selections of fins online - fcs fins and future fins, to name a couple. Also available: board bags, accessories, and t-shirts.
I think I'll have to stick with the t-shirts. I'm too old to learn to surf now, right?


Thursday, August 09, 2007
Shopping for Silver
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
No Popcorn
The lady called yesterday afternoon and told me I had won. She said it would take about an hour while they explained why they were giving these gifts away. Since Jeffrey is going out of town to play golf for work on Thursday and not going to be home tonight or until late Thursday night, our only available time was last night. I was tempted not to go at all, but Cory has gotten too tall for his bike, and the chance to get him a new one for free was too good to pass up. So, I met Jeffrey there at about 5:30. That's when we found out that it was actually a 90 minute time-share presentation. We really didn't want to 'waste' 90 minutes, but we were already there...
We said no to the whole program and got our gifts. We've done these things before. Usually the gifts are pretty much useless - a 'free' trip that comes with all kinds of restrictions, etc. This time they actually gave us what they said they'd give us - no restrictions. All we had to do was take the certificate to Walmart and pick up the new bike. The lady at Walmart had to fill out some paperwork and get a signature, and we walked out with a new bike. It may not be the best bike in the world, but it was FREE, and now Cory has a bike that fits his growing self better.
Now for that trip to the mall, and to pick a movie to see with our two free tickets. It just might be that Halloween movie because I haven't heard of any other movies coming out that I really want to see.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Rob Zombie's Halloween
I'm trying to remember some of the scary movies I've seen and liked. I know that the so-called great scary movies like The Ring and The Blair Witch Project didn't do anything for me. Movies like Alien and Aliens - those scare me. They're not really in the true horror movie genre, but they are scary, and people get killed - same as in Halloween the movie. I guess that's the point of scary movies, people die, and you never know who it's going to be. With a lot of scary movies it's all about the blood - people die and no one really cares. That's probably why I didn't like a lot of horror movies - they weren't real movies with a real story. With this movie, Rob Zombie wants you to care about the characters. It means more when they die if you actually care about them, doesn't it?
Of course, the music is what makes a horror movie scary. Just try it sometime - turn the sound off and watch for a while - go ahead and turn subtitles on if you need to hear what's being said - assuming there's a real story going on. It's not so scary without the music. Rob Zombie knows music, and you can't turn it off in the theater, but then, who wants to? You're going to see this movie because you want to be scared, aren't you?
Watch the YouTube trailer now, and ask yourself, "Do you believe in the Boogieman?"