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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Doing Business
Posted by
6/27/2007 01:49:00 PM
Doing Business

It's the whole sense of entitlement thing that bugs me. I could blame it on being a teenager, but Beth has acted this way since she was little. If she wants to do something, she just does it. She doesn't think she should have to ask for permission. If she wants something, she just takes it. Later I find things missing. When she gets in trouble, she just acts like it's no big deal. She should be able to do anything she wants and have anything she wants, and she should never have to ask for anything. I'm always having to take my cell phone away from her, because she's decided it's some kind of toy, or it belongs to her or something. Today she's got friends in her room and I notice the phone's missing. They've got it in her room, making prank calls or some other nonsense. Excuse me - you're home. Use the house phone! Yes, we have plenty of cell phone minutes, but why waste them when we've also got unlimited calling on our home phone? And, besides that - it's my phone. She shouldn't just take it without asking.
I get tired of feeling like I have to hide everything in my own house.
I get tired of feeling like I have to hide everything in my own house.
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Posted by
6/27/2007 01:19:00 PM
Beth|cell phone|frustration|

cell phone,
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Sad Thing
The sad thing about Beth's grades? She could do so much better. So much of it is just laziness and not turning assignments in on time or at all. Her teachers know she is capable of so much more, and so they expect it from her. She just doesn't care enough to put any effort in - even for driving privileges, it seems. We thought we had finally found something that was important enough that she would be willing to put forth the effort. Guess not.
Posted by
6/22/2007 09:48:00 PM
The Sad Thing

She Needs a B Average
Report cards came today. It looks like Beth's driving privileges are at an end. First she wasn't going to get her driver's license unless she got a B average. Her dad told her that at the beginning of 2nd semester last year, when she wanted to take driver's ed. - the classroom portion. She got to take the class. She didn't put much effort into the rest of her classes and had nowhere near the B average. Still, she took the driving portion of the class during the summer. She's a good driver, no problems with that. Still, no license without the grades because, once she gets the license, we have to pay insurance. With the B average, we get the 'good student discount' and save at least 1/3 of the cost. Needless to say, Beth did not get her driver's license on her birthday in September.
She did put more effort into her classes this year in school. Still, no B average. Finally, it was getting close to March when she would need to either get her license or renew her permit if she wanted to keep driving at least with us. She said she was close to the B average. The progress report didn't look too bad, so her dad let her get her license. Come report card time, no B average. All right. That was just the quarter grade, so she was told that she needed to work hard and get those grades up so her semester grade would make it to the B average. Well, she didn't do it. We've given her more than enough leeway in this, and she just isn't getting it. So, driving privileges need to be suspended - except for the times when we need her to drive or to drive to work when she gets a job. She needs that job now - so she can pay for the insurance.
She did put more effort into her classes this year in school. Still, no B average. Finally, it was getting close to March when she would need to either get her license or renew her permit if she wanted to keep driving at least with us. She said she was close to the B average. The progress report didn't look too bad, so her dad let her get her license. Come report card time, no B average. All right. That was just the quarter grade, so she was told that she needed to work hard and get those grades up so her semester grade would make it to the B average. Well, she didn't do it. We've given her more than enough leeway in this, and she just isn't getting it. So, driving privileges need to be suspended - except for the times when we need her to drive or to drive to work when she gets a job. She needs that job now - so she can pay for the insurance.
Posted by
6/22/2007 09:34:00 PM
She Needs a B Average
Beth|driving|grades|insurance|report cards|

report cards
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
School's Out for the Summer
Cory's last day was yesterday. He was only required to take 4 of his exams, and one of those was Jazz Band, which he took last Thursday. The other 3 were all yesterday, so that was his only day this week. Beth only had 3 exams she had to take, but hers were spread out - one each day, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. So, when she got home today, she was all done - done being a sophomore. Next year she'll be a junior. Only two more years of high school. Wow. I remember when she started kindergarten, just yesterday.
It was good that Cory only had one day of exams. Otherwise he would only have gotten two days off (plus the weekend) before summer school starts. This way he got practically a whole week off. I don't know what he's doing with his time off, but it's nice to have some. I think tomorrow we might go to the lake and go swimming. Other than that, what should we do for summer? Better start thinking of some fun stuff.
It was good that Cory only had one day of exams. Otherwise he would only have gotten two days off (plus the weekend) before summer school starts. This way he got practically a whole week off. I don't know what he's doing with his time off, but it's nice to have some. I think tomorrow we might go to the lake and go swimming. Other than that, what should we do for summer? Better start thinking of some fun stuff.
Posted by
6/13/2007 10:23:00 PM
School's Out for the Summer
exams|summer|summer fun|summer school|

summer fun,
summer school
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Cory the Sax man
The awards concert for both Jazz and Symphonic band was held May 22. I finally got one picture uploaded - though I took several. Jazz Band is nice because the saxophones are in the front row, so I can see Cory really well. For the symphonic band concert, I couldn't see him at all since he was back a couple of rows and behind people and music stands. The concert was really good. Our bands sound amazing! Every time I go to these concerts I find myself wishing I had stayed in band - but our band teacher wasn't nearly as much fun as Cory's band teacher. She's awesome, and makes band a good experience for the kids.
Cory got some awards at the concert. One for doing solos in Jazz Band, some for Solo & Ensemble, and he got his letter. So now his dad is thinking he's going to need a letter jacket. We'll have to see about that. Cory does need a new winter coat.
Another thing - the boy was getting shaggy, wasn't he? He has gotten a haircut since this. One of these days, I will get those pictures uploaded too.
Cory got some awards at the concert. One for doing solos in Jazz Band, some for Solo & Ensemble, and he got his letter. So now his dad is thinking he's going to need a letter jacket. We'll have to see about that. Cory does need a new winter coat.
Another thing - the boy was getting shaggy, wasn't he? He has gotten a haircut since this. One of these days, I will get those pictures uploaded too.
Posted by
6/03/2007 06:57:00 PM
Cory the Sax man

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Yesterday, I spent all day at school selecting artwork for the calendar. We wanted to get out of there by 12:30, but who were were kidding? That's never going to happen. We ended up leaving the school about 4, but we pretty much have the artwork and writing samples paired up, so that's good. After leaving the school, I stopped by the library to return a book and pick up a pile of them. I also got a couple of movies - Happy Feet and Much Ado About Nothing. I love getting movies at the library. It doesn't cost anything, and we get to keep them for a whole week.
Yesterday, Cory spent the day at Noah's Ark with the band. It's a traditional end-of-the-year band thing. Only the kids who practice a certain amount of minutes or who attend a certain number of lessons with the band teacher get to go. Cory got to go last year and again this year, and had a very good time. Both years they have been lucky enough to get a nice day. It seems like kind of a gamble this time of year in Wisconsin, but it has worked out. I guess yesterday it started to rain about the time they were scheduled to leave the park, so that didn't hurt anything. Then it rained on them as they drove home on the bus and was pouring when they got back to school - so, as soon as they stepped off the bus, they got soaked. So much for drying off and changing before leaving the park! Since Beth drives now, we sent her to pick Cory and Erich up, so she's the one who got to drive in the rain. Good thing we know she's driven in all kinds of conditions.
Yesterday, Beth's boyfriend broke up with her. He decided he still likes his last girlfriend. She broke up with her new boyfriend, too - so they can get back together. It's not like they were broken up all that long, maybe longer than they were actually together. I think Beth and this boy were 'official' for a whole two weeks. I think that passes as a serious relationship in teenagerland. But now it's over. Last night, her friend Ryan (the one she went to prom with) called and she talked to him for a long time. Today, he came over for a while. I guess if it's not one boy, it's another.
Yesterday, Cory spent the day at Noah's Ark with the band. It's a traditional end-of-the-year band thing. Only the kids who practice a certain amount of minutes or who attend a certain number of lessons with the band teacher get to go. Cory got to go last year and again this year, and had a very good time. Both years they have been lucky enough to get a nice day. It seems like kind of a gamble this time of year in Wisconsin, but it has worked out. I guess yesterday it started to rain about the time they were scheduled to leave the park, so that didn't hurt anything. Then it rained on them as they drove home on the bus and was pouring when they got back to school - so, as soon as they stepped off the bus, they got soaked. So much for drying off and changing before leaving the park! Since Beth drives now, we sent her to pick Cory and Erich up, so she's the one who got to drive in the rain. Good thing we know she's driven in all kinds of conditions.
Yesterday, Beth's boyfriend broke up with her. He decided he still likes his last girlfriend. She broke up with her new boyfriend, too - so they can get back together. It's not like they were broken up all that long, maybe longer than they were actually together. I think Beth and this boy were 'official' for a whole two weeks. I think that passes as a serious relationship in teenagerland. But now it's over. Last night, her friend Ryan (the one she went to prom with) called and she talked to him for a long time. Today, he came over for a while. I guess if it's not one boy, it's another.
Posted by
6/02/2007 06:27:00 PM
band|boyfriends|calendar|Noah's Ark|

Noah's Ark
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