The warm weather we had the last couple weeks means that it's definitely starting to look a lot like Spring out there. There are some gorgeous flowers up and blooming. Not in my yard or my flower beds - but those people who planted bulbs have lots of gorgeous flowers to show for it.
I never thought about it before, but I could plant some bulbs inside - for home decor. I've always thought flowers were a waste of money. You know, the kind you get from the florist and send for special occasions. I mean, they cost so much, and then they just die, and they're gone forever. But potted bulbs sound like a great idea. They're pretty, and they last longer than those old cut flowers! Also, they're the perfect solution for people like me who didn't plant bulbs in the Fall! They can be enjoyed now, and then when the flowers have expired, you plant them in your garden - so they'll be ready for next Spring.
They can be lots of fun. You can buy them like this - they can be purchased at grocery stores, garden centers, and flower shops:

and then repot them into your favorite pot or something that matches your decor, like this:

How fun is that? No, that doesn't match my decor, but I love them potted in that steel bowl. I never would have thought of that. For even more information, look up Dig Drop Done on Pinterest. There are ideas for home decor, wedding decorations, Easter projects and bulb planting how-to information.
From everything I'm seeing about planting bulbs, I'm finding absolutely no excuse for not planting some. It looks so easy. I'm especially liking the idea of these potted bulbs and then planting them outside when the flowers are done. Then I wouldn't have to remember come Fall.