Friday, November 30, 2007
My Favorite Things
I love this song.
Friday's Feast #170
What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride? I love roller coasters!
How do you react in uncomfortable social situations? Oftentimes I pretend I don't know what is going on and just ignore the whole thing. Other times I find something to be busy with so I don't have to interact.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics? 5 - how's that for a cop out? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
Main Course
Did you get a flu shot this year? If not, do you plan to? No, I've never had a flu shot. Jeffrey gets them at work. They'd rather pay to get all the employees shot than have people get sick and miss work.
Approximately how many hours per week do you spend watching television? Define 'watching' - because the television is usually on, but most of the time I am out of the room and just listening to it, or on the computer and kind of paying attention to what's on TV, but not really.
Visit other Friday's Feast participants.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Her Boyfriend's Back
Eventually they did talk to some people who had seen him, so they knew he was around somewhere, but no one had talked to him. Finally, yesterday he called Beth and sent her some messages on MySpace. I have no idea what was up with him, but he came over tonight. He and Beth were going to go over to where he's been living and talk to the parents, Jim & Randi. They're the parents of his best friend Jesse, who let him live there and gave him a job because he's had issues at home with his dad. Instead of leaving, they ended up sitting in the car talking - even though it's like 25° outside. Finally
Beth thinks she loves this guy, but if he can just run off like this, she's really going to have to decide if she can live with that. She does not deserve to be treated that way. Or he's going to have to learn a better way of dealing with his problems than running off. He did the same thing not too long after they first met, though she didn't really know him that well then. He was having problems with his dad, and that's how he ended up living with Jim & Randi. They've been really good to him, and they certainly don't deserve to be treated this way, either.
What Do These Words Have in Common?
Are you peeking or have you already given up?
Give it another try . . .
You will kick yourself when you discover the answer.
Go back and look at them again; think hard.
OK . . Here You Go . . . Hope You Didn't Cheat.
This Is Cool.
Answer: No, it is not that they all have at least 2 double letters. (Thought I had the answer, but I did not go far enough.)
In all of the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word.
Did you figure it out? Even if you didn't, don't worry. Just send it to more people and stump them; then, you'll feel better, too.
Starbucks Contest Update
Google Analytics will only show the top ten, and the referrals above 7 are mainly search engines. Here's the leader board posted by Tina, showing 7-10. I dropped from 8 to 10 this week, so I need some clicks if I'm going to catch Rachel.
Never Forget
I also really enjoyed Johnny Depp in Finding Neverland. Yes, Johnny Depp can be a serious actor, but there's still the fun in this movie. It's sweet, and it made me cry. I love the interaction between Depp, as J.M. Barrie, and the Davies brothers, especially Peter who took everything so seriously and had forgotten how to be a kid. J.M. Barrie gives Peter a journal and encourages him to use his imagination:
J.M. Barrie: Write about your family, Write about the talking Whale.Pirates of the Caribbean is the movie that brought Johnny Depp to my attention, and I really believe that Captain Jack Sparrow will always be my favorite Johnny Depp character. I love how he's so flamboyant. He's just darn good, and so much fun! Now, whenever a new Johnny Depp movie comes out, I'm ready to check it out. Coming this Christmas, Johnny Depp stars in the new Tim Burton movie Sweeney Todd . Be sure to visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site to find out more, and visit Sweeney Todd on MySpace to enter for a chance to meet Johnny Depp. I never really understood the whole thing about screaming fans, but I'm screaming now - even though it's only on the inside. OMG! Johnny Depp! I am so going to win, well, at least enter and hope to win.
Peter Llewelyn Davies: What Whale?
J.M. Barrie: The one that is trapped in your imagination, desperate to get out.
Trip of a Lifetime
The thing about commercials is that I usually don't watch them at all. There are times when I actually pay attention to a commercial, and when I start laughing at it, Jeffrey usually looks at me funny and asks, "Is that the first time you've seen that?" Well, yeah. Why? Has it been on a lot?
Of course, after I notice a commercial, it seems that I start seeing it all. the. time. I still don't usually know what it is they are advertising, though. Commercials as entertainment. Sometimes they're pretty good. Commercials for selling me stuff? Not so much.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Personalized Flash Drives
I love flash drives. They're so small and convenient, and they hold so much data. Even my smallest one (64MB) holds more data than a whole stack of those floppy disks! Yes, I said my smallest one. I have several, because I think they're so convenient and cute. I even thought the plain ones were cute, but these Personalized Flash Drives are so much cuter. They come in 14 different colors, with 32 different themes to choose from. I really like the tattoos selections - butterflies, camouflage, snowflakes, and more. Engraving is FREE on both sides. You get the design of your choice, and you can personalize the 2nd side with up to two lines of text.
I can see this being a great gift for the kids. They can use them to transport schoolwork back and forth between school and home, and with the personalization, there will be no question who the cool flash drive belongs to. Believe me, that's important at school.
Where Did Those Darn Keys Go?
The night before, when she came home from work, she had gone into her room to check her MySpace or her email or something on the computer, so I told her she should look in there. Now, if you've ever seen her room, you know that the chances of finding anything in there when you need it are next to nil. I really don't know how she lives like that. Anyway, after much searching and still no keys, she really did need to leave for work so she wouldn't be late. So I gave her my set and told her that she better not lose them because there would be nothing we could do then. And she better find her own keys when she got home from work.
She walked out the door. A minute later, she walked back in. She found her car keys. They were on the front seat of the car. Yes, the car was locked, so no one could have driven away with it. It's a good thing that, if she was going to lock the keys in the car, at least she was in her own driveway and hadn't locked them in at work.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I Want to Go Hiking
I can go hiking by myself.
What Was He Wearing on His Feet?
Yesterday, Cory told me that he had found a 'stash' of socks so he had put a bunch of them in the laundry. When I sorted the laundry, I did indeed find a bunch of socks. Who knew the boy had so many socks? But, with so many of them collecting in a dirty pile in his room, what in the world has he been wearing on his feet?
Maybe that's what that smell was - stinky teenage boy feet in dirty socks!
Tours, Attractions, Things to Do
While I'm no longer a poor college student, I still hate to spend more money on anything than I absolutely have to. That's why I'm interested in Trusted Tours and Attractions. They offer discount tickets to the best attractions and tours in San Diego, and many other cities. They also offer important visitor information such as pictures, weather, city maps, and recommendations of things to do, so planning a vacation is that much easier.
Sign up now to get the Trusted Travel eNewsletter. You'll get interesting stories and travel tips, informative and useful articles, and money saving deals delivered to your inbox each month. Plus, when you sign up now, you’re automatically entered to win 4 free tickets to attractions and tours in one of 21 different cities.
Where will you go? I'm having a hard time deciding whether I want to win tickets for San Diego, or one of the other cities.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Heads or Tails - Mark
Today it's HEADS - Mark
Since my brother Mark just came for Thanksgiving and spent the weekend with us, I thought I'd post a picture.
Mark is my oldest brother. He's about 18 months younger than I am. He's also the only brother who lives remotely close - actually he still lives in Illinois, and all the rest of us moved away. I just didn't move as far as the rest of them.
It was nice having him and his daughter here for the weekend. We really should do it more often. I know, let's mark our calendars!
Be sure to check out other Heads or Tails participants.
Give Me Five Monday - Shopping
The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.
The topic of today's list is - 5 pet peeves or dislikes associated with shopping.
- I don't like shopping in a crowded store. I feel like I can't move, and I hate that. Somehow I always seem to manage getting behind someone in a crowded aisle, someone who is moving at roughly the speed of a turtle. How is it possible to move that slowly? Why would you want to move that slowly? How long until I can get around?
- I don't like buying something at one store and then finding the exact same thing for a better price at the next store I go to. Then I wonder - is it worth going back and returning the first item so I can buy it at the 2nd store?
- I hate getting to the store and finding that they are completely out of the advertised item(s) that I really wanted.
- I don't like shopping without all of my coupons - because, if I don't have them, I am guaranteed to find something I need them for.
- I just don't like how much money it seems to cost!
So Many Pictures
If I order by December 10 and pay with PayPal, I can even get 20% cash back.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Army vs. Navy
This weekend's USA Weekend featured some memories of the Army-Navy game from men and women who attended the service academies. Here's one of those stories:
Friends Never ForgottenI read this one with tears in my eyes. Read more at USA Weekend and at Military Times.
Pat Mangin
Annville, Pa.
Army Class of 1990
I played on the Army teams from 1986 to 1989. My best memory? During my last game, CBS caught me on camera butting helmets with my best friend. My other close friend, Ken Nadermann, didn't play football, but he was in the same F4 Fighting Frogs Company with me. We got through all four years together, and it wasn't easy. We started with 35 Frogs. In the end, about 20 graduated.
Ken served in Desert Storm, and by 1994, we found out that he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS, or Lou Gehrigs disease. Today, a number of the Frogs and I make it a tradition to watch the Army-Navy game with him at his home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He can't talk to us anymore. His nurses read his lips for us. But he starts preparing for the game about eight weeks in advance, and you should see his house when hes done, all decked out with Army paraphernalia and chow, sodas and beer.
Last year, I got back from Iraq in November and went directly to Cedar Rapids so I could watch with Ken and the guys. My wife and 7-year-old son, Clay, actually got tickets to the game, so they were sending us cellphone images live from there. Thats right: I went to Cedar Rapids before I saw my family, after being gone for 16 months. Thats how important this tradition is.
I'm now stationed in Pennsylvania, and I'll be close to the stadium in Baltimore. So Ken had his nurse call me a while back, and he mouthed these words: "Tell Pat that I want him at the game this year with his wife and son." He knows my son loves Army football. But I wouldn't hear of it.
I said to him, "No way, dude. Not until you're gone. Then I'll get a sideline pass, look up at the sky during the flyover and think of you."
Another Tag and Some Obsessing
But, since Jenn tagged me, I thought the best thing I could do was run over and check out her list. How could I resist? I was reading the first item on her list where she said, "I am shy. I never know what to say to people, so I tend to say nothing. That's why I like to blog...I can edit!" and that reminded me of something I was thinking about earlier. Not necessarily the shy part, though I'm right there with Jenn on that. I'm a total introvert, but somehow blogging helps us to come out of that and reach out and connect with people in ways we never could in real life. What I was thinking about was the editing.
For instance, on the Need a Snow Day? post - why didn't I mention something like, "remember how much fun it was making cut paper snowflakes when you were a kid? Now you can do the same thing with your computer." So, when I think of that a few days later, should I edit the post and make the original post 'better' - even though no one will probably even notice or read the new improved post? Should I just ignore it and move on? (of course, because I'm a perfectionist, this is the hardest one for me) Or should I write a new post and say what I really meant to say in the first place - and probably have people wondering why I'm repeating myself?
What do you do?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Seven Plus One More
Alright let's start with the rules: once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list eight (or seven, depending) random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to eight other people. (or seven, or some other random number)
- I always wanted a sister, but my parents kept having boys, so I have 3 younger brothers and no sister at all.
- When I was 12, I went to summer camp. In cheerleading class they showed us how to stretch so we could do the splits. I started stretching and working at it until I could do the splits - and I still can.
- One of my favorite movies is Dirty Dancing, with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey.
- I think Sean Connery is amazingly sexy. He's the best James Bond ever, and he's on my TV screen right now in Hunt for Red October.
- My youngest cousin is named Anna, too. She gets a kick out of that. She's almost 9. My mom is the oldest sister. The other Anna's mom is the youngest sister, and then she got remarried and had Anna. So there's quite an age difference. She lives in Texas. I've never met her, but we 'talk' on MSN Messenger once in a while. It's fun.
- My dad named me after a country song.
- I don't like playing Monopoly because it takes too long.
- I started collecting frogs not too long ago, and I'm still not sure why. I think they're adorable, but it's not something I've liked all my life.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Need a Snow Day?
I really can't 'cut' straight, but here's my first snowflake of the winter. I'm sure I'll be making more, and when I remind Cory of this site, he'll be doing it, too. He's really good at it.
St. Augustine Artwalk
Due to the cold weather setting in here in Wisconsin, my first attraction to the St. Augustine Artwalk was that it is in Florida, where it's warm. But then I started visiting some of the web pages of featured St. Augustine artists to see what kind of artwork will be on display. This is some nice artwork. No, I don't really understand art. I just know what I like to look at, and this sounds like it would be a great way to check out some artwork in a fun and relaxed setting. With over 20 galleries participating, you can enjoy not only the latest exhibits, but also music, entertainment and refreshments.
Did I mention that it's FREE?
Conversation with my Niece
Me: No, what does he call me?
Tana: Aunt Banana!
Oh, yeah. I guess I did know that. Brothers! Gotta love 'em. Well, I certainly like them better now that we're all grown up.
It was nice to have Mark and Tana here for Thanksgiving. Mark had to work today, but Tana didn't want to go home. She told her daddy he could come back and pick her up on Sunday. He left her here. He's just going to work today and then come back today, so he can spend some more time with us, too.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Car Repairs
Jeffrey has taken that car to a little garage in North Prairie for most of the work he has had done on it, so it will probably go back there for the gas gauge. I don't know if it's the best deal, but it is convenient. The last time he had it there, it was to get the transmission replaced. He had it replaced once, and Buick paid for it because of some recall or something. So that was good. Then the check engine light kept coming on, and after getting the car checked, we found out that the transmission had to be replaced again. Unfortunately, we could not find the paperwork to see if it was still under warranty or not, so we had to pay. Then, after driving the car for a few days, the check engine light came one again. Jeffrey had the car into the garage several times, and they couldn't figure out why that light was on. Finally they ended up replacing the transmission again, and that solved the problem. We could have used this coupon from AAMCO. Right now they are offering to check your check engine light for free. I think if a different garage had checked to see why the check engine light was on, they might have diagnosed the problem sooner and saved us some time and money. The garage that had just put in a new transmission knew they had done that, so that couldn't possibly have been the problem. Therefore, they were looking for something else, and there was nothing else. They just got a bad transmission from the manufacturer.
If you don't need your check engine light checked, you can get $25 off any service, or have the transmission fluid in your vehicle changed for $29.95. Check out these additional savings and see how you can enter for a chance to win a trip for 2 to Hollywood.
Happy Thanksgiving
"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new."-Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!”-Amanda Bradley
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”-Frederick Keonig
“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”-W. T. Purkiser
Quotes from
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I am thankful for all of you.
Now I'm off to get the turkey in the oven, peel the potatoes and make the dressing. We'll eat when the food is ready. We're real scheduled around here.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Comparing Internet Providers
If high speed Internet is available in your area, it's worth checking out. It makes surfing the web so much faster and nicer. The VOIP is nice, too - especially if you make a lot of long-distance phone calls. We don't really make that many calls, but the phone service is cheaper than what we were paying before, and we couldn't make any long-distance calls.
Thankful for My Friends
Having received many awards I have decided that it was time I created one for ALL my Blogging Buddies. You are ALL awesome and contribute to the wonderful global communities that we have all created. Thank you!I'd like to pass these on to some of my friends:
- Jaye @ Just a Mom
- Deb @ Mom of 3 Girls
- Diana @ Lady Banana
- Bradley @ The Egel Nest
A Bunch of 3's
At 1:33pm my time, I used TNT Screen Capture, a nifty little program I snagged from Giveaway of the Day (love them!) to capture this from my PayPerPost dashboard. I thought it was interesting the way there were so many 3's. OK, I cheated and refreshed the page so I could get the time right. I just wish I had checked at 1:33 PPP Time - but it was 1:33 my time.
Also, it looks like they're doing a good job of reviewing posts, because all the posts taken have been approved.
How Not to Gain Weight During the Holidays
Dr. Roger Gould, one of the country's leading authorities on emotional eating, and the author of Shrink Yourself, has just launched an interactive Holiday Survival Guide . Dr. Gould says that the key to losing weight is not watching WHAT you eat, it's about discovering WHY you eat. Two free tools on the site, 7 ways your family makes you fat and what you can do about it, and Take Charge: Don't let anyone spoil your season, will help you understand why you are tempted to overeat during the holidays and what you can do about it. These interactive tools utilize a question and answer format, and provide customized recommendations for each person. This personalized information can help you combat emotional overeating and avoid holiday weight gain.
I'm wondering if my problem isn't emotional overeating, but emotional over-cooking. And if I cook it, they will eat it. Except for Beth. She hates everything.
I Will Get This Right
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What to Do When the Family is Home
Jeffrey and Beth are going to traffic court in the morning, and then they might stop by the store on the way back, if there's anything I need. I haven't thought of anything, but Jeffrey thinks he needs sweet gherkins, and we don't have any of those. So he'll probably stop and get those. He thought he needed deviled eggs, too, but he's not getting any!
Fabulous Friends
Carrie @ Rantings of a Woman gave me these cute puppies to thank me for being her friend. Carrie's a sweetie, and I'd like to thank her for being my friend, too.
I'd like to pass this on to the ever-fabulous Barb, and the oh-so-fabulous Mama Pajama.
I love blogging! I have made so many fabulously friendly people.
Cheap Flights to Christchurch
DialAFlight is a great site for finding good deals on flights to Christchurch and planning a New Zealand holiday. You can, not only search for cheap flights, but you can also look for hotels and rental cars all in one place. Browse the site to find out what the current deals are, and then talk to their travel consultants and they will help you tailor your holiday to your specific needs.
I hadn't really thought about it before, but Christchurch looks like another one of those places I want to visit. I looked it up and found out that Christchurch is known as 'the Garden City' with many expansive parks and botanical gardens. The Floral Festival held every February is one of the most popular festivals of the year, but Christchurch is known as New Zealand's foremost festival city, so there are plenty of other festivals throughout the year. Then I started looking at the pictures, and now I'm dreaming of a New Zealand vacation. I know DialAFlight wants to help.
Thanksgiving Just Has to Have...
Anyway, the pies. I made a German Chocolate pie for my darling husband. That's what he always wants because that's what his mom made for special occasions. My mom always made cheesecake, so I didn't think his chocolate pie was all that special. That's why my mom has probably made it more often for him than I have - in 21 years of marriage. Yes, Jeffrey is so deprived. But, I made one for him today, and I'm sure he will appreciate it. I've got a pumpkin pie in the oven now, because it's just not Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie.
My question for you is: What is something that you just have to have for Thanksgiving? Something, without which, Thanksgiving would just be incomplete? I would say turkey is a given, but I know some people don't eat turkey, so I'll say besides the turkey. And, if you don't eat turkey, what do you have?
Save Money on Car Insurance
We do wonder why her friends and their parents don't look for better insurance rates. As much as insurance for teen drivers costs, it's important to find the best rates possible. They should look for a local insurance group like Cost-U-Less Insurance Center in California. They offer friendly customer service and quick online quotes to help save money on car insurance nbi (no better insurance?). One of their customers saved $4000!
Heads or Tails - Never Say Never
Today it's TAILS - Never Say Never (What is something you thought you'd never do or say, but now you do?)
Now, about that litter box...
Be sure and check out other Heads or Tails participants.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Give Me Five Monday - Birthday
The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.
Because today is Becca's birthday,
(Happy Birthday, Becca!)
the list is birthday related. Becca said to list 5 things you like/dislike about your birthday.Since we never really did much for birthdays when I was growing up, I'm not really in the habit of paying much attention to my birthday. Coming up with a list? Let's see...
- I like that I don't pay much attention to my birthday, because I don't really pay that much attention to getting older.
- I dislike that I don't pay much attention to my birthday, because that means no one else really does either. On the other hand, I don't really like being the center of attention, anyway. Maybe someone else could just cook dinner?
- I like that, every year on my birthday, and every other day too, Jeffrey is still older than I am.
- I like that one of our friends, Don, and I share the same birthday.
- I would probably like presents, if we did that. But then it would bother me because we spent money on something that we didn't need.
Check out other Give Me Five participants.
4 am?
You couldn't pay me to go shopping at that time in the morning or pretty much any time on that day. There is absolutely nothing I need or want that bad. I don't care how great a deal they say it is.
How About Oregon for a Family Reunion?
I love the beach in any form, and I especially would love at least one stormy day because I want to watch those waves crash in. The Oregon coast is supposed to be a great place for whale watching, and I'd love a chance to get some pictures, as well as getting pictures of those nieces I've never met. I'm not sure when a good time for whale watching is, but an Oregon Christmas vacation offers plenty of other things to do, plenty of great scenery, and an opportunity to just relax and be together. If not this year, then maybe next year?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Turkey Recipe
Now I have to plan the Thanksgiving meal. I took the turkey out of the freezer today. I also got this turkey recipe in an email. Do you think I should try it?
Your dinner will be the talk of the TOWN!! You should try this!
Here is a new way to prepare your Thanksgiving Turkey:
- Cut out aluminum foil in desired shapes.
- Arrange the turkey in the roasting pan, position the foil carefully.? (see attached picture for details)
- Roast according to your own recipe and serve.
- Watch your guests' faces...
Be the Blog Award
Mark from Me And My Drum, who created this badge has this to say, "This badge is for bloggers who make their blogs their own, stay with it, interact with their readers, and have fun!"This is a great honor and I really appreciate it! I pass this wonderful award to the following bloggers:
- Holly @ Mama Pajama
- Vic Grace @ Cariboo Ponderer
- Carrie @ Rantings of a Woman
- Rachel @ Heart of Rachel
I've Got a Friend in You
It's my blog, and I can pass this on to as many friends as I want, but for now, I'll pass it on to:
- Tammy @ Mom Knows Everything
- Bridget @ .."And Miles to Go Before We Sleep.."
- Deb @ Mom of 3 Girls
- Elizabeth @ Table for 5
Curiously Awesome Products
Since I got these fun toys in the mail, I thought I'd check out the website where they can be ordered, and I found some other neat things. They have this Flying Alarm Clock that is supposed to be able to get anyone up. I wonder if they even mean teenagers? I also found this Cookbook Holder w/ storage that would be very handy in the kitchen. There are quite a few other things that look very interesting, so, if you're looking for some 'curiously awesome' products, why not give Vat19 a try? They even have videos of most of the products so that you can see them in action.
Volunteering at the Holiday Bazaar
Not so yesterday. Well, Jeffrey and Beth got to stay in bed, but Cory and I volunteered to go help out with the Holiday Bazaar. I'd never been before, but every year crafters and vendors come in and set up booths in both gyms of the high school, and several school organizations set up in the hallways between. The Band Boosters sell concessions all day, and this is one of the biggest fund raisers of the year. I made the cinnamon rolls last year, but Cory and I weren't able to go and help out. This year I signed us up for the 7:30-10am shift. So we had to get up at normal time.
We took the cinnamon rolls and a box of each flavor of the candy bars we had delivered here the other day and went over to the school. Cory ended up working with his friend Julia and giving out and selling coffee. All the vendors get one coffee free. Everyone else has to pay. I made and took my own. I spent my time doing various things, setting up and getting things prepared for the lunch crowd. I served up a few hot dogs and chili dogs, but by the time the pizza got there and people started coming in for lunch (already at 10am) it was time for us to go.
It was really kind of fun working in a school kitchen again. I worked in the kitchen in college and really enjoyed that. I think we both would have enjoyed staying longer, but we had to get ready for church, and other people were arriving for the shifts they signed up for. We'll definitely have to help out again next year. So what if we miss a little sleep?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Biotene Sensitive Toothpaste
Jeffrey has been using sensitive toothpaste for a while now. So, when I received a sample in the mail, I knew just what to do with it. It was a sample of Biotene Sensitive, toothpaste for sensitive teeth, cavity protection, and dry mouth protection. I handed it to Jeffrey, and he agreed to give it a try and let me know what he thought.
He's been using the toothpaste for about a week now, and overall he likes it. He hasn't had problems with tooth pain. Unlike other sensitive toothpaste brands, Biotene works to resolve the problem rather than just mask it. Biotene combines potassium nitrate, the most effective active ingredient for protection against tooth sensitivity with their exclusive Enzyme LP3 Complex™ for the soothing treatment of dry mouth. Dry mouth is known to cause irritations and infections in the mouth. I never thought of it that way before, but there are times I tell Jeffrey that his breath isn't exactly pleasant and that I think he needs to drink more water. After he had been using Biotene for a few days, we realized that I hadn't told him that for a few days! Maybe it was a certain degree of dry mouth that not only caused the breath issues, but also contributed to his tooth sensitivity.
Biotene has a pleasant flavor, sweetened by Xylitol. I tried it myself a couple of times just to see, and it tastes kind of like bubble gum. I like minty toothpastes, because I have the idea that they freshen breath better. That's probably not true and just what the toothpaste makers want me to think, but a non-minty flavor is exactly what Jeffrey needs in a toothpaste. Mint causes him problems with his heartburn, and non-minty toothpastes are really hard to find. So the Biotene flavor is a real bonus.
The one thing he really doesn't like about the Biotene is the way that it doesn't really foam up when it's used. The low foaming formula will take some getting used to.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Post of the Day
That being said, my favorite post today is: The thing about that thing by Elizabeth @ Table for Five. It's about that gigantic internet entity we all love to hate. You know the one I'm talking about. Is it really true that we shouldn't even mention said entity by name?
A Grandfather Clock Would be Nice
I started looking at some grandfather clocks, and, if I can find a good place to put one, I'd really enjoy one of these. I was reading that they have some new chimes added to the website - Schubert’s Ave Maria and Beethoven’s Ode to Joy. Find a grandfather clock you like, and you can listen to the chimes. I love a clock with chimes. Even if I couldn't see it, I'd still have an idea what time it is by listening to the chimes. It might take some rearranging, but I think this Howard Miller Brittany Grandfather Clock would fit into my living room nicely. It's pretty, sounds nice, and the black satin finish will fit in nicely with my decor. Over there, against the wall where I can see it would be nice.
What is IZEA RealRank™?
Google giveth and Google taketh away. Do not despair if they've yanked the PR rug out from under you. The new IZEA RealRank will give you a measure of your site's real worth.
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Friday's Feast #169
What was your first “real” job? I de-tasseled corn a couple of summers, but I guess that wasn't a 'real' job. I guess it would be my freshman year in college when I worked in the kitchen doing food prep. I loved that job. We had so much fun, and I learned to use knives!
Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity? The Internet! Or a cookbook. I'm not crafty or anything, so I'm not creative that way, but I love to mess with stuff on the computer and I love to cook and find new recipes.
Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when… my husband uses poor grammar in front of other people. Yes, I love him, and I know he's a numbers guy, but still - should have gone NOT should of went. It makes him look likes he's not as smart as he really is. Never mind that a whole bunch of other people in the world talk exactly the same way, and they probably don't even notice.
Main Course
What values did your parents instill in you? Good Christian values - honor your parents, love your neighbor... and a good work ethic.
Name 3 fads from your teenage years. This is hard. Those teenage years were so long ago! I ended looking this up and found this website called Crazyfads. They list all the crazy fads from the 1920s to the 2000s. Here are 3 I remember:
- Pet Rocks
- Neon
- Care Bears
Visit other Friday's Feast participants.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Why You Should NEVER Run With a Fork
I got this in my email:
Show your kids, show your neighbor's kids, show your enemy's kids! Mommy and Daddy are NOT kidding when they say 'NEVER run with sharp objects!' See, this is what happens when you run with a fork!
I know, you're thinking the tip of the fork came DOWN on his nose, right?
Well, you won't believe the next picture.........
I bet the kid switches to a spoon!!!
Blog of the Month
Look what I got! Tammy from Mom Knows Everything gave me another wonderful award. She's so sweet!
- David @ authorblog
- Vic Grace @ Cariboo Ponderer
- Diana @ Lady Banana
- Misty @ My Dogs Keep Me Sane
Feel free to pass this award on!
Never Pay Full Price for a New Car
Just Call Me Tech Support
My friend Carrie @ Rantings of a Woman, was having problems getting her Hamilton Beach® mixer video post approved by PPP. That's a $65 post, people! $65. We couldn't let her lose $65, now could we?
Luckily, I gave her a suggestion that seems to have worked, and her post was finally approved. So, she'll get her $65, and I get this great trophy as a token of her appreciation. Thanks, Carrie. I never got a trophy before.