Cory and I went to New York with the band, and we had a really good time. One of Cory's friends who goes to another school just got back from DisneyWorld with her band. She's my friend on Facebook, so I've been looking at the pictures she uploaded. I haven't been to Florida in years, and her pictures are making me want to go back. We've been to Daytona Beach and Destin, but the last time we were in the Orlando area, Beth was 6 and Cory was 4. That
was a long time ago, wasn't it?

We stayed in Kissimmee , because everyone knows you can get much better deals on hotels and condos in Kissimmee than right in Orlando - and it's
right there, anyway. From Kissimmee you can reach all of Central Florida's best attractions in just minutes, or be lounging on one of Florida's sandy beaches in about an hour. And Kissimmee has some great attractions of its own, some of them free. You know how much I like free stuff, right? I'd like to visit the Old Town Shopping, Dining, and Entertainment Complex, not for the shopping, but for the live entertainment and street party at night. I'd like to go hiking or roller blading at some of the Lakefront Parks and maybe spend the day at East Lake Toho in St. Cloud.
Of course, while we're there I will want to visit SeaWorld, because I love SeaWorld. Too bad that isn't free... Also, I want to visit Disney
without the kids. I know that sounds backwards because most people want to take their kids to Disney, but our kids didn't like any of the rides except the Small World ride, and it just about drove us crazy. Oh, that song is irritating!

Anyway, I'd love a Central Florida vacation - not just for all the great attractions, but also because I would get to visit my cousin who lives there, and I haven't seen her in ages and ages. I just entered the
Freedom to Enjoy Sweepstakes for my chance to win a 6 night trip for four that includes airfare, a rental car, admission to theme parks and attractions, and even golf for Jeffrey. Maybe SeaWorld can be free after all. And while Jeffrey is playing golf, I can hang out with my cousin!
Kissimmee is giving away three weekend getaways (3 days/2 nights) for two; and two weeklong vacations for four. So be sure to enter, because the best vacations are free, right? There's so much to do in
Kissimmee. What would you do?