Thursday, September 26, 2019

Book Review: Love Changes Everything

I just finished reading Love Changes Everything: Finding What's Real in a World Full of Fake by Micah Berteau. I was offered a free copy for review purposes, and the description had me intrigued. I had just heard a sermon about the story of Hosea and Gomer, and the timing seemed more than a coincidence, so I jumped at the chance.

This book promises to be life-changing. The author uses the example of Hosea and Gomer - where God tells the prophet to marry a prostitute, who later leaves him to run back to her old life, and instead of leaving it there, God expects Hosea to go and buy his own wife back - to show us exactly how much God loves us.

There were some good parts to this book and things to think about, but overall I just didn't connect with the author and what he was trying to get across. I didn't find any of it life-changing or earth-shattering, but overall it was a decent read with some good reminders. Perhaps for someone who has been struggling to understand the reality of God's love, it can be the book that changes everything...

Thanks to Revell (a division of Baker Publishing Group) for the copy. All opinions are my own.