Sunday, September 16, 2018

Don't Let a Stinky Bathroom Drive Your Business Away

One Wrong Flush

As a business owner, you've likely come up with contingency plan after contingency plan to deal with arising problems. Staffing issues? You've got them handled. Power decides to go out? You have those backup generators. A rowdy customer? Security is just a call away. However, you may not have put thought into something that likely seems as though it could only occur in a comedy.

Imagine you're hosting at a restaurant. Everything, thus far, has been running smoothly and customers are pleased with their food and service. All seems well until you hear a few cries of terror and murmurs of distaste. The bathroom is flooding into the main dining room. It seems that because you chose to wait a little bit longer for someone to come and inspect the public restrooms of your business, one wrong flush ended up clogging the entire system making it back up. As such, you have sewage leaking over the polished hardwood and staining everything it touches.

As you can imagine, your customers will not be pleased. Not only is that money you're going to lose that night, but you're also going to lose even more to repair the damage those toilets have caused. Not just the porcelain thrones either. You'll have to hire cleaning crews to thoroughly wash the contaminated areas and potentially buy new furniture to replace the old. All while your business is closed - no customers, no income. It's a nightmare.

Have A Plan

To avoid this, you should come up with a plan of attack. One of the best ideas you can consider is having commercial plumbing Naperville IL services stop by regularly to perform maintenance on your toilets and sinks. Not only does this ensure the longevity of the toilets, but it could prevent an expensive problem from ruining your business. After all, you can imagine your reputation may suffer a bit from backed up toilets. Avoid the embarrassment and cost and have Courtesy Plumbing help you today.

(I was trying to find the appropriate picture for this post, but I think you probably had an even better one in your mind as you read it.)