Monday, September 10, 2018

Reading with Kids

My friend Ruth posted this updated list of Great Read-Aloud Recommendations for Kids this morning. If you've got kids in your life, be sure to check it out. There are some of my favorite books on the list, though I must admit that I didn't do much reading aloud with my kids after they were old enough to read for themselves. Maybe I'll do more of that with Jason when he's here. This summer we did quite a bit of reading together, where we'd take turns reading a few pages or a chapter in a book. That was quite fun. That boy's reading improved so much in the last few months of first grade!

Also included on Ruth's list are some interesting books I want to check out, and even one that I'm currently listening to - The Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts by Richard Peck. Audiobooks are kind of like read-aloud, right? I'd still rather actually read because the words get into my brain better when I actually see them, but I can't do that while I'm walking in the mornings. So I listen to audiobooks. I'm really enjoying this one and starting to think I should get an actual physical copy of the book so Jason and I can read it next summer. Possibly. He'll be 8 which is a little young for the book's target age, but he likes and understands a lot of things that I think he's too young for...

Now the little guy in this video? He isn't quite old enough to understand this book. Yet. But his granny is getting such a kick out of it, I dare you to watch this without laughing!

I predict this is going to be a regular thing with these two, and eventually the little guy will get just as big a kick out of it as his granny does.

The best thing about reading aloud to kids - besides all the great books - is that special time together.