Wednesday, October 18, 2017

So That's What I've Been Doing Wrong

I recently mentioned how far behind I am in my reading goals this year. I've made slight progress since then, and I'm only 7 books behind schedule, instead of 8. It's just a small victory, but I guess I'll take it.

Anyway, I finally figured out what I'm doing wrong when it comes to reading. My friend Ruth posted this handy list filled with tips for How to Read More Books, and I can confidently say that I am letting all kinds of reading opportunities pass me by. I have no kids in the house because they're all grown up and live on their own now. I do listen to audiobooks when I walk every morning, and I occasionally prop a book up (or read from my Kindle) while I'm washing dishes or otherwise working in the kitchen, but I'm pretty much ignoring all the other items on the list. I mean, who really needs sleep anyway?


My reading list just keeps getting longer -
  • I've got my friend Ruth's new book Collapsible to read. Yes, she's the one who posted the handy list of tips - possibly so we'd all find make time to read her book. Word is there are more coming!
  • I just started When Did Everybody Else Get So Old? by Jennifer Grant, and I need to get that one finished in the next few days because I agreed to post some reviews. So far I'm really enjoying it. But...
  • I'm reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series over again, and I just really want to sit and read that all the day, never mind all the other books. I'm currently about halfway through Wizard and Glass. If you haven't read these books, do yourself a favor and read them. All of them. Again I ask - who needs sleep?
  • Cory bought a copy of John Green's new book Turtles All the Way Down while we were in Florida. He's already read it so he left it here for me to read. Now if I can just get to it. Have you read John Green's books? So good. Also, I wish I could read as fast as Cory does.
  • And, I just got an advance copy of Catherine McKenzie's The Good Liar. I've loved all her books so far, so I'm super excited to read this one. 
Of course, this list doesn't include the 4 or 5 or 6 (or more, who's counting?) books on my Currently Reading list on GoodReads - all good books, and books I really want to finish, but it seems I'm easily distracted when the next shiny book comes along.

What does your reading list look like? And what's your excuse for not reading nearly as many books as you'd like?

Note: links to books on Amazon are affiliate links.