Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Watching Some Dancing

Our local ABC station decided we'd rather watch football last night than watch Dancing with the Stars. They were wrong. I don't mind attending the occasional Colts game, but when it comes to my Monday night television viewing, I really want to see DWTS. (and seriously, I saw on the news that the Colts stopped playing before the game was over and lost. Again. So we would have all been better off watching Disney night on Dancing with the Stars.)

Anyway, we're watching it now and I just fell in love with Lindsey and Mark's dance. It was just so good - and even earned that "10 from Len" - and in my opinion should have gotten all 10s.

So far Lindsey is definitely my favorite. I'm also really liking Drew from Property Brothers. I wasn't so sure at first, but he's really improved and really seems to be having a great time out there.

Who's your favorite this season? Have you started voting yet? I often don't start until later in the season, waiting to see how everyone will do - and obviously I could not have (knowledgeably) voted last night since I wasn't even able to watch. </pout>