Wednesday, September 02, 2009

How He's Grown!

I always used to take pictures of the kids on their first day of school. Middle School started and that tradition somehow got lost in the shuffle of rushing out the door to catch the bus. But since yesterday was Cory's first day of his last year of high school, I thought it would be a good idea to get a picture or two, and then compare to his first day of kindergarten.

Here he is (along with his sister) on his first day of kindergarten in 1997:

and here he is yesterday on the first day of his SENIOR year:

All grown up! Where did the time go? He's still the same sweet, huggable guy - just taller, and his toys have changed a little bit, from Hot Wheels, blocks, and Beanie Babies, to computers, cameras, and video games. He's turned into quite a handsome young man!

1 comment:

  1. hey there,,, HOW ARE YA.. yes they do grow too fast dont' they. good to hear from ya.. have a nice weekend


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