Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm Not Really Motivated

Is it wrong that I'm not really motivated to edit a post for a stupid company I used to post for?  I say 'used to' because they just suddenly stopped giving me any assignments at the beginning of this year.  Yes, they had threatened to stop giving me assignments several years ago if I didn't stop working with another company they, for some reason, feel a real antagonism toward.  I didn't stop working with the other company, and the assignments kept coming with this company - so I kept doing them.  And then suddenly they stopped - no notice, no explanation, nothing.

I kept logging in at least once a week for a while, but never any assignments, so eventually I stopped bothering.  Now suddenly I'm getting emails wanting me to edit one of my old posts.  I'm supposed to keep the link but change the link text. 
For your post below would you please replace the existing keyword link "medical malpractice insurance illinois" with the new phrase "for this liability broker in IL"

If you would, please reply when you have switched out the current keyword link "medical malpractice insurance illinois" with the new keyword link "for this liability broker in IL"

Ummm, why?  And what's in it for me?  I mean, they haven't cared enough to give me any assignments all year and suddenly I'm supposed to care enough to change an old post just because they told me to?  Yeah, not so motivated...  I'll file the email in my 2do folder.  Maybe I'll get to it one of these days.