Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'd Rather Shop from Home

I'm not much of a shopper. I don't think I ever was, but working in retail for several years really ruined shopping for me. I honestly do not understand the phrase 'Retail Therapy' because it's just something to get over and done with, not something to do for fun or relaxation. We do look through the ads that come in the paper every Sunday, just in case we need something, but more often than not, there really isn't anything worth running out for.

I can get myself in a little trouble with easy online shopping, though - because I don't have to leave the comfort of my own home. Not only that, but I don't have to deal with people - especially the crowds at this time of year - and the long lines. For instance, on Black Friday while my husband and brother were insane enough to get up and actually go to the stores, I stayed in bed, got up a little later, and then did my shopping online - buying several $3 and $3.50 DVDs, all of them with free shipping. I'm also regularly tempted by those emails I get from telling me about their deals on electronics and computer-related things. I have a hard time resisting a good deal on an SD card!

I never really thought about it before, but I'm thinking I can get some good deals on pet supplies by shopping online, too. It's definitely worth looking at. I hear it's supposed to be much cheaper to order pet prescriptions online, and maybe even cheaper if I can find some coupon codes for free shipping or something. Not that either one of the kitties needs a prescription, but just in case. If nothing else, checking online first will give me a good idea of whether I'm getting a good deal on something or not.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could do ALL my shopping online! That would be ideal for me, as I hate shopping, including grocery shopping!


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