Friday, November 19, 2010

Smooth Operator

Those Teenage HopesImage by Gabriela Camerotti via Flickr
Going through some old magazines so I can toss them, I found this story in Reader's Digest.  It made me laugh so I had to share.
My teenager was headed to school one morning when I told him that the neck tag on his shirt was hanging out.  "I know," he replied.  "It's a fad me and some of the guys started."  Weeks later, as the style persisted, I commented, "I can't stand it!  Every time I see that, I want to fix it for you."  I gently tucked the tag in place and rumpled his hair.  "Yeah," he said, smiling slyly.  "All the girls do."
-Contributed by Laurie W. Sargent

Of course, my son never had to resort to such things. 
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